5 Effective Ayurvedic Treatment For Sciatica
- May 22, 2023
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About Sciatica
Sciatica is one of the most common causes of lower back pain nowadays. The sciatic nerve, which runs from the buttocks into the legs, is the body’s longest and largest spinal nerve. The inflammation of the sciatic nerve is the primary cause of sciatica. It is a neuropathic pain that may be brought on by this nerve’s damage, constriction, or malfunction. Sciatica is characterized by pain that radiates down the backs of the legs from the lumbar (lower back) region.
Sciatica sensations, which can be felt in one or both legs, are typically reported around the age of thirty and can worsen over time. Since this discomfort is constant, treating it with over-the-counter medications is challenging. Even though taking medicine can make the pain disappear, Ayurveda provides holistic care for chronic illnesses by addressing the root cause of the disease.
In other words, in Ayurveda, sciatica is referred to as Gridhrasi. (Gridhra meaning Eagle) because the severely impacted person’s stride may be like an eagle’s, and the inflamed nerve resembles an eagle’s beak. Typical of Vata abnormalities is sciatica.
Pain radiates from the buttock to the toe and down the back of the thigh. The lower portion of the left or right part of the body is typically affected by sciatica. Numerous everyday tasks, including walking, standing, bending over, driving a car, using a laptop, finishing up domestic duties, sneezing or coughing, and many others, can lead to sudden and extreme discomfort.
Sciatica’s root causes
- Spinal harm
- Exercise irregularity and obesity
- Disc herniation
- Dystrophic disc injury
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Utilizing a comfortable mattress and donning high heels
Causes of Sciatica
- Spinal injury
- Overweight
- Irregular exercises
- Herniated disk
- Degenerative disc disease
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Sleeping on a soft mattress
- Wearing high heels
Treatment of sciatica Using Ayurveda
Ayurvedic therapy for sciatica means purifying herbs to get rid of the toxin buildup, then gastrointestinal medicines to get your digestion back to normal. Additionally, toning and demulcent herbs (herbs rich in mucilage that can calm and preserve sensitive or inflamed interior tissue) are also recommended to support the nervous system and relieve unbalanced bodily energies.
Some of these are suggested by Baba Ramdev are mentioned below:
Panchakarma Therapy
Surgical procedure for sciatica is a horrible idea; Ayurveda is superior.
According to the need and circumstance, ayurvedic remedies such as Dhanyamla Dhara, Abhyanga swedana, Pathrapotali swedana (Elakizhi), Sarvangadhara (Pizhichil), Kati Vasti, Vasti (the most crucial technique in Ayurveda for ultimately healing sciatica), etc., are performed. These treatments aim to reduce sciatica’s inflammatory and root reasons, as well as the spasms and nerve compressions that result from them. They also reinforce and replenish the cells that maintain the spine. Based on the severity of the ailment, the typical recovery period is 4 to 5 weeks.
Marma Therapy
The term “marma” refers to an entire critical point, a combination of muscle, nerve, joint, bone, tendon, artery, and vein in any combination of two, three, or more. Massage activates the marma points in the thigh and lowers the back. Specific locations will benefit from the medicinal benefits of massage, which also aids in improving circulation and reducing discomfort.
Visit Kati
Using a dough-made dam (container), warmed herb oil is meant to apply to the low back corner during the deeply calming massaged procedure known as Kati vasti. Lower back pain is treated, and Kati Vasti soothes stomach issues.
Using Herbal Steam
Another helpful method for reducing back and leg pain, stiffness, and tingling is a herbal steam bath or ayurvedic steam massage.
Baba Ramdev’s Health Pack
- Ashwagandha churan, also known as Divya ashwagandha churan, is among the traditional remedies tonics for improving nerve health and boosting physical stamina. According to Ayurveda, it is a Rasayana and slows the ageing process. It enhances nerve conductivity and aids in muscular strengthening. Additionally, it aids in reducing pain and swelling. It is beneficial for easing discomfort.
- Divya Yogender Ras A potent ayurvedic nerve activator that aids in nerve vigour is yogender ras. It not only helps the state of the nerves but also aids in reducing Vata, which is the primary cause of bodily pain. It is beneficial for replenishing the body and muscles as well.
- Praval Pishti, also known as Divya Praval Pishti, is a herbal mineral that aids in easing stiffness and pain for whatever reasons. It calms down and relieves muscle tension. Additionally, it helps to strengthen the nerves.
- MahaYograj Guggulu, also known as Divya MahaYograj Guggulu, is a highly effective analgesic that helps with all kinds of pain. It is harmless and has no adverse effects because it is ayurvedic. Mahayograj Guggulu also aids in lowering pain or swelling, which results in rapid pain management. Additionally, it helps to relax and stimulate the nervous system.
Bottom line
As a result, ayurvedic remedies for sciatica include yogaraja Guggulu, Vataganjakusha, and Saindhavadi taila. You can immediately reach out to us at website if you have any queries or concerns.
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