
5 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Triphala Churna

  • May 23, 2018
  • admin

There is no denying the fact that herbal, ayurvedic or what you commonly call as home remedies does wonders when it comes to curing numbers of health issues suffered by us in day-to-day life. Right from common cold, cough, fever to fatal diseases like cancer, herbal remedies are extremely useful. These are highly effective and safe too. One such remedy is available in the form of Triphala Churna. This wonderful herbal churna has been prepared from the herbal ingredient called as triphala. It is in fact a blend of three fruits- haritaki, bhibhataki and Indian gooseberry. All these are blended together to get the herbal powder called as Triphala Churna. There is a long list of benefits that are offered by this churna to the overall health of the users. Five major health benefits of this superb churna are as given below.

1. Efficient cure for digestive problems

It is perhaps one of the most important benefits of using Triphala churna as far as overall health of the users is concerned. It helps in improving digestion in a natural way. Those who experience problems in normal digestion of the foods may use this herbal churna and get rid of their respective digestive issues. It aids in normalizing and regularizing the bowel movements. Problem of constipation is also well-treated and prevented with the regular use of triphala churna. In fact, Triphala churna acts as a complete source of nutrition as well as strengthening agent for the entire digestive system. This in turn assures most optimal digestive functions and keeps the same in normal and most optimal working condition.

2. Good for eyes

Only few people are aware of the fact that Triphala Churna also acts as a very good tonic for the eyes. It is beneficial for eye health as well. This herbal churna helps in improving eyesight naturally and excellently. Those who struggle with the problem of dimness of vision may use this churna and experience improvement in their eye vision within few days. Triphala churna may even be used as an excellent cleaning agent for the eyes. It helps in prevention of numerous types of eye infections automatically.

3. Beneficial for hairs 

Like eyes Triphala churna is equally good for the hairs too. It is apt and efficient in management of multiple hair problems such as dandruff, dryness of the hairs, halted hair growth due to any reasons and many more. It stimulates natural hair growth. It is worth noting that Triphala Churna may be used internally as well as externally for the hairs. Those who suffer from excessive dryness of the hairs may also get benefitted by using this superb herbal powder. People who suffer from the problem of dandruff chronically may also use Triphala churna and get rid of the same from their hairs and scalp in a very effective way.

4. Promotes healthy and glowing skin

Triphala Churna is also good for your skin. It is a great rejuvenating agent for the skin. Numbers of skin problems such as dryness of the skin, dark circles and acne etc. are all well-managed with the use of Triphala Churna on regular basis. It helps in improving smoothness and suppleness of the skin in a totally natural way. Due to anti-microbial properties contained in Triphala, it helps in eradication of acne and such other problems. It helps in prevention of such other commonly experienced skin problems in day-to-day life.

5.Immunity booster 

One of the major benefits of Triphala Churna for the skin is its positive impact on the immune system. It helps in boosting the immunity of the users in a natural manner. This in turn improves the natural capacity of the body to fight off infectious diseases excellently. Hence the users may enjoy good well-being by protecting themselves from the infectious microbes.

Keeping in mind all the above – mentioned benefits of Triphala Churna, it must be used by all to ensure their overall good health in all respects.

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