How can I order?
You can easily buy products by via credit card, debit card, paypal. Your payment is 100% secured and no credit card details are shared by our payment gateway partner CCNOW.
How much time does it takes for a product to reach me?
As these products are shipped from India hence it takes about 15 to 25 working days for a product to reach you after it is dispatched.
How soon my products are dispatched after ordering?
It takes about 24 to 72 hours for your product to get dispatched from our dispatching department.
What happens when the product does not get delivered to me?
As we are following all the profession and international shipping procedures hence this situation never occurs but if still this happens then we track the order and if it is really not delivered to you then we reship the order.
How can I track my order?
We can provide you with tracking number on request and tracking available on express shipping only.
Can I make changes in my exiting order?
Well if the order is not shipped we can accept changes but if the order has been shipped then it may not be possible.
Shipping Rates
Express shipping available in $20.
Normal shipping free.
Custom paper if required to be submitted by customer
Prescription drugs for personal use may be acceptable under the following conditions: US FDA-unapproved drugs (90 day supply only) may be imported for an individual’s personal use with a serious illness. Req’d Info/Docs-Drug name (trade/generic), quantity, dosage, proof of foreign citizenship, (non-residents) proof of length of stay in the US, letter from a US licensed physician is req’d for individuals residing in the US over a 90 day period. The continuing condition the medication is used to treat. OTC drugs: Req product information such as name, intended use, ingredients, doses, formulations, and labeling.
Two copies Invoice, Prescription letter, purchase bill,p/u address ID proof & address proof
This website is not an official website of Swami Ramdev and Divya pharmacy or Patanjali Yog Peeth, Haridwar. It is a health information website. Authenticity and genuinety of the information mentioned on the above page is purely at the user discretion. We don't claim any cure, relief and other authenticity of the medical and health conditions that are mentioned on the above page. It is always recommended that users of this website should always consult their physician prior to use of this information and products. The products and information listed above is not being evaluated by US FDA. This Website is presented purely at our personal experience and hence we don’t take any responsibility of any sort.