Ayurvedic Medicine For Kidney
- September 28, 2016
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Kidneys are the most vital organ of human beings. The kidneys perform the most important tasks for the human physique that includes flushing out the inorganic ions from the body, regulation of the body fluids in an organized manner and maintaining proper order in respect of urea and glucose. Human kidneys also help to maintain the balance of H+ and OH- ions in addition to elimination of wastes and toxins. Kidneys also help to retain the important substances for the human physique. People often suffer from different diseases related to kidneys that include oliguria or Anuria, polyuria, unusual constitutents in the human urine. Other ailments related to kidneys are inflammation of the parenchyma and pelvis. Renal failure, renal colic and Dysuria are also the kidney diseases. One should take proper care to get these ailments treated with apt medicines. People usually go in for the modern allopathic medicines that may result in side effects.
Ayurvedic Medicine for kidney is preferred by the patients because they do not put any bad effects upon the users. Ayurveda studies consider that the kidneys constitute Meda and Rakta, the two dhatus. Managing these two aspects is the best method to bring back the kidneys to their normal position if there is any disorder. Three approaches are mainly employed in Ayurveda for treatment of kidney disorders. The weak bodily system is assessed, followed by preventive steps and proper treatment.
Ayurveda focuses on dietary improvements to treat the kidney disorders. Patients are recommended to take dry fruits including almonds, pistachio and chilgoja etc that re much useful for the weak kidneys. Mangoes are also recommended for the kidney problems that can be treated well with fresh pine apples too. Anyone suffering from kidney problems is advised to take Cordia myxa Roxb. (Lisora) fruits that helps to treat the kidneys in a positive manner. Coconut water should also be taken by the kidney patients as it is much helpful for urinary problems.Other fruits like Eugenia jambolana Lamk, Punica granatum Linn. (Pomegranate), Banana, A|mla, Bel and Grapes are also the best treatment for kidney problems, says the Ayurvedic Studies. Leafy and green vegetables are too good for the patients that suffer from kidney problems.
Kidney disorders can be resolved with the help of medicines for kidney problems that include Chandraprabha Vati Gokshuradi Guggulu, Gomutra Haritaki, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnavadi Guggulu, Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) and Punarnavadi Qadha (decoction) etc. Patients suffering from Vascular diseases can get treated by taking the medicines for kidney disease that include Arogya Vardhini, Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Mahamanjishthadi Qadha, Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Tapyadi Loha, Kamdudha Vati, Saariva, Kaki and Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) etc. Candidly, the Ayurvedic medicines for kidney stones are also too beneficial for the patients.
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