
Like women, men also suffer from certain issues related to their sexual and reproductive systems. Low sperm count or oligospermia is also one among the various issues experienced by men in relation to their reproductive system. Under this condition, the sperm count in the male…

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Urinary problems occur commonly in most people and particularly in women and small children. It may be due to less body immunity or negligence in taking proper care of hygiene of the genitals. Though urinary problems occur commonly however these may sometimes prove to be…

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Proper and comfortable urination is a must to throw away the wastages and toxins from our bodies. Any wrong with our urinary tract must be set aright with suitable medication. It is the kidneys that play major role in pushing the urine out of our…

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Steep rise in population and industrialization has given rise to big pollution that is responsible for various diseases. Not a day passes that many of us are engulfed with one or the other ailment for which most people take the allopathic or conventional medicines. Few…

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The eyes located in between our forehead and lips and alongside our nose not only enable us to see the worldly things but also beautify our appearances. Poets have written heart touching songs about our eyes. We must take extra care for protecting our eyes…

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We come across many guys that release gas after frequent intervals. This disorder puts them down before others. Acids that are often caused due to disordered stomach membrane lead to formation of excessive gas. Those suffering from this health issue often complain of heart burn,…

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Bile, the digestive juice that is stored in the gall bladder helps in converting the food and other eatables into energy for our body. Certain hard substances comprising of bilirubin cholesterol or salt forms stones in the gall bladder. These stones give intolerable pain and…

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Piles are unquestionably a painful and inflammatory condition relevant to the anal region. Generally, piles are caused due to excessive pressure on the veins of the anal region which in turn results in blockage in blood flow. Consequently, the veins in this region become engorged.…

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Chronic sinusitis is a common problem but it is definitely discomforting for the sufferer. Basically, it is a problem related to the sinuses and in turn the respiratory system in the human body. Since sinuses have a chief role to play in the entire respiratory…

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Struggling with the problem of dryness of hairs? Are you worried about excessive hair loss and hair fall as a result of extreme dryness of the hairs? It is the same story with every person and particularly during the changing season. It is because there…

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