Home Remedies For Constipation
- October 4, 2016
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Home remedies for constipation
Constipation is one of the most commonly encountered problems. It has been estimated that more than 90 % of the words population suffers from this problem. Constipation can be defined as inability to pass off the stools in spite of effort. Constipation is often accompanied by indigestion.
Below are mentioned few natural home remedies that are helpful in getting away with constipation.
1. Raisins – Raisins or kishmish are beneficial in getting rid of constipation. These works as wonderful laxatives. Soak about a wrist full of raisins in water over night. Consumes these all empty stomach early morning. You will discover that your bowel movements are restored.
2. Guava – Guava or peru are extremely beneficial in activating the indigestion. Guava helps in supplying h the activated fiber content in the digestive tract to restore the normal peristaltic movement. These movements in turn help in improving the digestion and removes constipation.
3. Flax seeds – Flax seeds are commonly known Alsi seeds. These seeds are regarded as one of the best herbal substance that helps in improving the digestion and there by reliving in constipation. Flax seeds not only relive from the chronic indigestion but also support the body with new nourishment and good health. Flax seeds help in improving the peristaltic movements and also improve the water absorption.
4. Oranges – oranges are highly recommended for reliving from constipation problem. Oranges not only supplies fiber in the body but also removes the toxins that get deposited in the sides of the intestines.
5. Divya Churna – Divya churna is a combination of some Ayurvedic herbs that are very beneficial in enhancing the metabolism. This increased metabolism help sin removing toxins and debris from the body thus making body free from any toxins. Divya churna is also beneficial in removing constipation problem.
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