How to Get Rid of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Naturally
- October 20, 2022
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The immune system targets the body’s own healthy tissue and organs in the chronic autoimmune illness lupus. It results in severe, long-lasting inflammation that can harm almost every organ in the body, including the kidneys, lungs, brain, joints, heart, and endocrine glands. SLE, which stands for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, is another name for it.
Lupus can be particularly challenging to diagnose since its symptoms are so similar to those of many other medical ailments, including thyroid problems, Lyme disease, and fibromyalgia.
Why Does Lupus Occur?
Systemic lupus erythematosus, sometimes known as lupus, is an inflammatory disorder that can be brought on by a variety of things that lead the immune system to unintentionally attack healthy bodily tissue. The actual origin of SLE (and other autoimmune disorders, for that matter) is still up for debate, but scientists do know that genetics and lifestyle both contribute to the development of inflammation.
Allergies, viruses, emotional stress, estrogen disruption brought on by pregnancy or birth control, hormone imbalances, poor digestion, and metal poisoning are some of the potential causes of lupus.
Risk elements for lupus include:
1. Having a family history of lupus or other autoimmune diseases and being genetically susceptible
2. Eating poorly and lacking certain nutrients
3. Digestive issues, such as leaky gut syndrome
4. Food sensitivities and allergies
5. Exposure to toxicity
6. a background of infections and autoimmune diseases
Symptoms :
1. Continual tiredness
2. Joint aches
3. Muscle pain
4. Stiffness, edema, and swelling
5. Chest aches and breathlessness
6. Headaches
7. Fever
8. Sunburns and skin rashes
9. Both anxiety and depression
10. Insomnia
11. Vision haze and dry eyes
12. Ulcers and sores in the nose and mouth
13. Weakness and anemia
14. Loss of memory and confusion
15. Complications such as an increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, renal damage, lung damage, infections, seizure, and stroke
Foods to avoid
1. Foods including gluten: Wheat, barley, rye, and the majority of flour-containing goods all include the kind of protein known as gluten. Because many people find it difficult to digest gluten properly, it is frequently intolerable. This may worsen lupus flare-ups, promote leaky gut syndrome, or cause inflammation.
2. Fast food and Alcohol: many fried foods, packaged/processed foods, and occasionally saturated fats (trans fat) include these fats, which can cause inflammation and heart issues. Some lupus sufferers have trouble breaking down saturated fats, so they should avoid cheese, red meat, creamy foods, and packaged foods.
3. Sugar: Too much sugar might exacerbate pain by overstimulating the immune system.
4. High-sodium foods: Because systemic lupus erythematosus can harm the kidneys, it’s important to attempt to keep sodium and salt levels low to avoid fluid retention, exacerbated swelling, and electrolyte imbalances. In fact, lupus nephritis is a type of kidney illness caused by systemic lupus erythematosus.
Home remedies to get rid of Lupus –
1. Turmeric
The active component of turmeric, curcumin, has shown promise in the treatment of autoimmune conditions like lupus. For this, you can add turmeric to your diet on a regular basis. One of the greatest treatments for the same is turmeric milk. Heat one cup of milk with one teaspoon of turmeric added. Honey could be included to improve the flavor. For those with gallbladder issues, it is inadvisable. So before taking turmeric to treat lupus, see your doctor.
2. Flax seeds
Because they are a strong source of omega-3 fatty acids, which lower inflammation in lupus sufferers, flaxseeds are also very beneficial for treating lupus. For lupus sufferers, 30 grams of flaxseeds each day can be quite beneficial. In lupus patients, it enhances renal function. One of the complications of lupus is kidney or renal failure.
3. Ginger
Lupus is one of the many illnesses for which ginger is an effective home treatment. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities lessen joint discomfort and swelling. There are several methods to incorporate ginger into your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be combined with ginger juice or consumed as tea. Ask your doctor how much ginger is safe to consume.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Many doctors believe that lupus patients are deficient in hydrochloric acid, which can be supplemented with apple cider vinegar. Hydrochloric acid is produced in the body as a result of it. It aids detoxification and enhances nutrient absorption. A drink made from apple cider vinegar can be prepared for this purpose. Take a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar. Squeeze half a lemon in this and drink it 3 times a day, 20 minutes before your meals.
5. Coconut oil
One of the healthiest types of oil is coconut oil. It assists you in balancing your body’s adverse immunological responses. In addition to this, it provides a wide range of health advantages, including lowering cholesterol and blood sugar and enhancing digestion. You may do this by using virgin coconut oil in your drinks and cooking with it. Be aware of the serving size.
Conclusion :
To prevent the condition from getting worse, patients with Lupus should avoid certain foods as mentioned above. There are also Ayurvedic Medicine Packs developed by Patanjali which are effective for treating systemic lupus erythematosus. Baba Ramdev Health Package For Systemic Lupus Erythematosus can help patients get rid of the disease from the root.
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