Leucorrhea Patanjali Medicine by Baba Ramdev
What is Leucorrhea? Its causes, symptoms & Treatment
Some women suffer from the problem of excessive discharge of a white material from their vagina. It is known as Leucorrhea. The white substance is sticky and foul-smelling or malodorous. It is not a serious problem and is mainly caused due to insanitary conditions or improper cleanliness of genital organs. Sometimes infection in the genital pathway or malfunctioning of immune system of women may also lead to leucorrhoea.
As stated above, the chief reason for occurrence of leucorrhoea in women is poor vaginal hygiene. Apart from this, some other factors also become causative factors for leucorrhea. These are repeated abortions or miscarriages, excessive sexual activity, and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.
Intake of specific food items also aggravates the condition such as milk, yogurt, cheese and butter in excessive quantities. Similarly, excessive consumption of cold, sweet, oily, heavy and dense foods may also lead to vaginal flow.
Leucorrhea is mainly recognized by incessant discharge of white substance which is sticky and bad-smelling, from the vagina. The patient may also experience a sudden change in mood, body weakness, and pain in the lumbar area as well as in the calves.
Ayurvedic standpoint about Leucorrhea
Known as Shveta Pradar in Ayurveda, Leucorrhea is mainly caused due to increase in Kapha Dosha. Due to increase in Kapha dosha, the Rasa Dhatu or nutrient plasma which is present in the vaginal pathway becomes white in color. This liquid then starts discharging from the vagina. Although no pain is felt during this discharge but it is an irritable condition. The line of treatment of ayurveda in relation to leucorrhea consists of bringing back the balance in the digestive fire in the body in order to flush out the toxins from the body.
Diet & Lifestyle to follow to get rid of Leucorrhea
First of all, pay attention to proper hygiene of the genital organs. The undergarments must be washed with an antibiotic solution followed by drying in the sunlight. Also remember to change your undergarments regularly.
The females suffering from leucorrhea should increase the amount of liquids in their diet. They must have adequate amount of water, milk, juices, and soups in their diet. It helps in clearing out toxins from the body.
Similarly, intake of fruits, vegetables and salads must also be increased. Do not eat sour, spicy, heavy or oily foods plus non-vegetarian food products. Similarly, tea, coffee and alcohol must be completely avoided. After every meal, chew some beetle nuts.
Some Home Remedies
Consuming asparagus root in powdered form with honey two times a day provides relief from the symptoms of leucorrhea. Have lukewarm rice water with sugar once a day. It can be prepared by boiling rice in water and then removing rice from it.
Have coriander seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. These seeds must be soaked in water for the night. The water in which seeds have been soaked must also be taken continuously for a month. Wash your vagina with water in which some fenugreek seeds have been boiled. It must be repeated at least 3-4 times a day.
Swami Ramdev has introduced an herbal health pack that helps in a condition of leucorrhea. This herbal health pack helps in limiting the white discharge problem and also reliefs from back pain and weakness in the body.
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