
Natural Treatment of Paralysis With Patanjali Medicine

  • December 8, 2022
  • admin
Natural Treatment of Paralysis With Patanjali Medicine

The lack of muscular function in a section of your body is referred to as paralysis. It occurs when something goes wrong with the way messages between your brain and muscles are sent. Partial or complete paralysis is possible.

It might affect one or both of your body’s sides. Additionally, it may be localized or widespread. Paraplegia is the paralysis of the bottom half of your body, including both legs. Arms and legs are paralyzed in quadriplegia.

Most paralysis is caused by strokes or traumas such as a broken neck. Other potential causes of paralysis include:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a kind of nerve disease.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome and other autoimmune disorders
  • The muscles of the face are affected by Bell’s palsy.

What Exactly is Paralysis?

Muscular paralysis is described as the lack of muscle function. This syndrome develops when the brain is unable to communicate sensational symptoms to the afflicted region of the body. Complete, partial, or localized paralysis is possible.

  • Paralysis causes
  • Stroke
  • A head injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Cancer
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Ataxia Friedreich’s
  • Syndrome of Guillian Barre
  • The Lyme illness
  • The disease of the motor neurons
  • Spina bifida

Ayurvedic Medication to Treat Paralysis

Ayurveda is an alternative medicine method that can be highly useful in treating paralysis. Because Ayurveda has minimal health risks, it can be used to treat both adults and children.

This Ayurvedic pharmaceutical technique considers the physical symptoms and the patient’s emotional and spiritual well-being. Ayurvedic treatments for paralysis include the following:

Patanjali Medicine Pack For Paralysis Treatment

Baba Ramdev and his committed team of physicians have designed a health pack that may be extremely effective in paralysis and other related conditions. This health pack is based on traditional Ayurveda formulations found in different ayurvedic books.

The components in Baba Ramdev’s paralysis health kit have been professionally tested and produce excellent effects.

● Ashwagandha Churun –

Divya ashwagandha churun is a powerful nervine tonic that protects and rejuvenates specific nerve cells. In Ayurveda, it is known as rasyana, and it is also effective in slowing the aging process of the body.

● Yogender Ras –

Divya yogender ras is a preferred treatment for paralysis. It is quite beneficial in reviving decaying nerve cells and enhancing their function. It is particularly useful in reviving a paralyzed patient and it enhances the execution of various processes.

● Tejus Body Massage Oil –

Tejus body massage oil from Baba Ramdev’s residence is a fantastic body massage oil that aids in enhancing blood circulation.

● Badam Rogan Oil –

Divya badam Rogan oil is good in increasing brain functioning as well as repairing brain lesions.

● Praval Pishti –

Divya Prval Pishti is a fantastic organic mineral ayurvedic herbal medication that aids in muscle reactivation. It also helps to increase the calcium content of the body.

● Vishtindukadi Vati –

One of the most well-known ayurvedic nerve tonics is Vishtindukadi vati. It promotes the activation of both motor and sensory neurons, which aids in the recovery from paralysis.

● Swarn Makshik Bhasam –

Divya Swarn Makshik Bhasam is an excellent natural health supplement for boosting body conductivity. It contributes to the effectiveness of other medications that are provided.

● Medha Vati –

Divya Medha Vati is an excellent ayurvedic medication for boosting brain function. It is also useful in paralysis patients.

● Ashwagandha Capsules –

Divya Ashwagandha capsules are useful in enhancing nerve cell conuctivity and nerve cell activity. It is also beneficial to the muscles and their function.

How to Use Ramdev Health Pack For Paralysis?

  • In a grinder, combine all of the components from 1 to 6 and process to produce a powder. Take 1 teaspoon of it twice a day with milk.
  • Take one ashwagandha capsule twice a day.
  • Tejus body massage oil should be applied to the body at least once a day, followed by warm fomentation.
  • Two drops of badam rogan oil should be placed in each nostril twice a day.


The primary goal of Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis is to help paralyzed people adjust to life by making them as independent as possible. In Ayurveda, paralysis is known as Pakshaghat, and it is one of the Vata via his listed in the classical writings.

Ayurvedic therapy for paralysis includes a variety of massages that relax muscles while stimulating nerves. Therapies that balance the Vata Doshas are also effective Ayurvedic treatments for paralysis.

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