Baba Ramdev Patanjali Medicne For Schizopherenia Disorder
Schizopherenia Disorder: Causes, Symprtoms & Home Remedies
Schizophrenia is a disorder relevant to the brain of human beings. It is a chronic problem and is psychological in nature. In this condition, the patients undergo various mental conditions including delusions, hallucinations, disordered speech, and cognitive impairments. The sufferer is so adversely affected by this psychological condition that his routine activities also start getting affected by it. He is not able to carry out routine activities properly due to mental disturbance. The condition is aggravated due to some factors such as fear, grief, stress or anxiety.
Causes of Schizophrenia
Although exact or accurate cause or the factor of Schizophrenia is not known however it is mainly caused due to the action of the immune system against own body cells which leads to overproduction of collagen in the tissues of the body. Apart from this, family history of the disease is also responsible for this condition. Environmental factors such as stressful living or drug abuse may also lead to schizophrenia. Some chemicals such as silica dust and plastic materials plus rapeseed oil are also known to cause the disease. Schizophrenia may also be caused due to complications faced during pregnancy.
Symptoms of schizophrenia
Some of the chief symptoms of schizophrenia include inconsistent behavior, self-seclusion, hallucinations, and loss of appetite, focus, and sleep. Also, the person becomes pessimistic towards routine activities. Additionally, his skin becomes hard as well as it undergoes the change in the color of the skin. Some of the chief body parts which undergo the change in the color of the skin are ears, cheeks, nose, eyes, and neck. The patient may also experience numbness in the body parts. The patient also feels a lack of desire towards sexual activity.
Ayurvedic view point about Schizophrenia
The line of treatment of Ayurveda in relation to Schizophrenia includes detoxification and clearance of the obstructions that occur in the body. Apart from this, it also aims at providing strength, nourishment, and energy to the brain so that it may keep on performing its functions in an apt and proper manner.
Diet and Lifestyle for Schizophrenia
The patients who suffer from Schizophrenia must take a healthy and well-balanced diet which must essentially include fiber. It helps in keeping the digestive system in proper working order and in turn keeps brain free from any disorders. Frequent smaller meals are preferable over 2-3 heavy meals. Drink lots of water to clear out toxins from the body. Carry out light exercises such as walking, jogging or swimming. Stay warm and avoid going out in cold weather. Do not consume alcohol. Try to be free from any mental stress. Have a positive attitude towards life.
Home Remedies for Schizophrenia
You must have an herbal tree as it rejuvenates mind and body. Have proper rest and sleep to be free from any mental stress. Try to be in the company of others as much as possible. Carry out yoga and meditation as it helps in enhancing your concentration as well as lets you have a sound sleep. Do not smoke as it has a negative effect on your mental health. Get indulged in your favorite activities such as dancing, painting etc.
Baba Ramdev has developed an herbal formulation that may be helpful in treating the patient suffering from schizophrenia problem.
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