Patanjali Ayurvedic Medicine For Stress
- May 16, 2018
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Are you feeling bygone and lost? Do you feel it is impossible to deal with the daily challenges of life? This sad and lonely feeling in the mind is due to the mental upheaval caused by stress. Everybody faces some kind of stress in life, though the levels of stress differ. Many people take stress as a trigger factor and make the necessary efforts to turn out jubilant in the tasks they undertake but there are many who succumb to the mental pressure and collapse. A simple problem or issue starts to irk their mind and they are unable to deal with the emotional and physical duress. All this is a result of stress and tensions.
Stress may be a motivator to be better or it may be a deterrent in daily chores and activities. When stress does not permit a person to live a normal life it is dangerous and needs to be treated. Patanjali ayurvedic medicine for stress contains herbal extracts that can increase blood supply to the brain and also keep the agitated nerves in a calm state. The person’s brain gets extra nutrition and the stress levels calm down. If this effort to control stress is not taken then the person starts to show a change in personality and the chores are never completed on time because of the general mood. The normal way of dealing with everyday life changes and the mental and physical state of body is affected.
Obvious symptoms that reveal stress are increased and erratic heartbeat, heightened response of five senses, muscle tightness, increased blood pressure, breathlessness or quickened breath becomes evident. This leaves the stressed person desperate and uncomfortable. Stress if taken in a healthy manner leads to a sharp concentration and increased strength. The blood starts to surge and the body feels an energy spurt. Now it depends on the person whether the stress factors are used for running away from the situation or they are used to face the opposing circumstances.
Unexpected demands from life, severe job and personal relation expectations, dissatisfaction with relationships can lead to a sluggish and disinterested disposition. Stress starts to affect all the different organs of the body. There are also increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol that either prompt a flight or fright reaction. Don’t let your mental and physical health be affected by stress or soon the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and even reproductive systems of the body will start to function erratically.
The person may lose weight or gain weight drastically because of a change in the food habits. Many people end up with skin allergies because of acute stress attacks and many face immune disorders, lack of proper concentration, memory loss, hair fall, heart diseases and insomnia because they are unable to handle acute stress laden situations in their lives. Sadness and negativity is not the correct way of life as it isolates the person and leaves him or her more stressed and bereaved.
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