Patanjali Ayurvedic Medicine For Urinary Problems
- May 16, 2018
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You may have heard that many people stop their urination because they are looking for a better place or time to urinate, and this becomes a part of their regular routine. With course of time there are many who will end up with urinary problems like urine inconsistence, proteinuria, or pain and irritation while urinating. Urine is toxic waste matter which lies inside the urinary bladder for excretion. If this is left inside the body, it can lead to severe infections and other urinary complications.
If the urine is kept inside the body for a prolonged period of time, the person may feel irritation in the bladder and external sex organs or a person can urinate dark colored urine. Water and fluid intake is a must to avoid urinary problems and it is common to develop minor urinary complications if the person does not urinate properly and on time. Don’t let your excretory system get affected take treatment on time. If you do not want to go for the conventional allopathic treatment then you can take the safe and effective Patanjali ayurvedic medicine for urinary problems.
Strong medications, acid base balance, diet can also affect the colour of urine but many times protein discharge through the urine is ignored because there are no evident symptoms. Infected or smelly urine is another indicator that there may be a urinary problem that is affecting the kidneys. Are you making frequent trips to the bathroom for urination? This may be because of incomplete excretion of urine from the urinary bladder, infection of the urinary tract or genitals, inflammation in the kidneys or prostate involvement.
Keep your eyes open for painful intercourse, pain during urination, genital itching, pain in beginning or end of urination, pain in the lower back or agony during ejaculation. Women may complain of aggravated symptoms during their periods. The genital area of men and women need to be kept clean and hygienic or else it can lead to medical complications like discharge and blisters. Urinary problems also include kidney stones that can block the normal discharge if urine from the urinary bladder. Untreated urinary problems can lead to shivering, fever and high temperatures and this may be very uncomfortable for the person.
The excretion of the body takes place smoothly with the help of kidneys. The urinary bladder, urinary tract and kidneys constitute the urinary organs and all these work together to collect toxic wastes and excrete them in form of urine. If there is improper kidney function then the toxic wastes of the body keep collecting and disturb the general excretory functioning of urinary organs. The chemicals stay inside the body and keep getting reabsorbed.
Lack of proper hydration can be very dangerous for the body as the kidneys do not get sufficient water to throw the wastes out. Drinking excessive tea and coffee can lead to dark colored and dehydrated urine. Stay away from bladder infections and be healthy!
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