Patanjali Ayurvedic Treatment Of Psoriasis
- July 15, 2018
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Psoriasis is a common autoimmune disorder that affects the skin. This is common in people who have compromised immune systems and in this medical complication the skin becomes extremely dry, flaky and comes out in scales. Conventional methods do not have any proper treatment for psoriasis. The methods presently used, provide temporary relief but do not cure the condition in any way and the skin can flare up with psoriasis symptoms anytime. The only way they deal with this disease is to hydrate the skin time and again with deep moisturizing lotions, creams and steroidal solutions. It is imperative that the skin remains moisturised and hydrated.
Psoriasis symptoms can show up anytime and in this, the epidermal layer of the skin starts to become flaky and scaly. Every cell in the human body has a life span. The cells live out their cycle and then die. The skin naturally removes these cells by shedding them but sometimes this cycle goes haywire and the cells do not fall off. These cells are dead but they lie on the skin and a new cell layer keeps developing. The new cell layer has no option but to collect on top of this unshed but dead old skin layer and this leads to a rough and dry, ugly, skin texture.
The ancient science of Ayurveda has been understood after a careful study of the Vedic puranas of India. This prompted Baba Ramdev to study Ayurveda extensively and develop the safe and effective Patanjali ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis. This is the best way to treat the flaky psoriasis. This natural medicine makes the old cells fall off on time and gives way to the new layer of cells. The cell growth becomes normal and they do not develop with rapidity as they do when there is psoriasis flare up. This is possible with the help of natural and medicinal herbal extracts. The flaky, rough and silvery scales on the skin become less pronounced and the immune system is boosted back into action.
You can get rid of the embarrassment caused by the ugly psoriasis affected skin. The elbows, scalp and knees show evident psoriasis patches and the whitish colored skin can be painfully scratchy. Herbal extracts prove to be a soothing balm for the skin. In psoriasis the nails and toe nails of the person become discoloured and weirdly raised. These nails with time detach themselves from the skin and fall off, or start to crumble. This condition often leads to joint inflammation and joint pain. Many times environmental conditions also lead to the psoriasis flare up. Psoriasis can be hereditary and may travel down generations.
Medicine and treatment for a patient of psoriasis is imperative and needs to be started on time. People often go for conventional methods and allopathic treatments for psoriasis.This can supress the symptoms temporarily but cannot remove the disease from within. Keep hydrating the area that has been affected extremely well and do not worry about transferring the disease to another as it is not contagious.
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