Patanjali Medicine For Acidity
- May 15, 2018
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The stomach produces digestive juices or acids to carry out the process of digestion smoothly. This gastric or hydrochloric acid in the stomach starts to act on the food and breaks it down into miniscule particles so that they can be assimilated easily into the body. These broken down food products are essential for the health and fitness of the body.
If the food is not digested properly then the unutilised acids in the body start collecting in the stomach and the person may complain of acid reflux or acidity. This leads to discomfiting symptoms such as bloated stomach, nausea, vomiting, gas, flatulence, bad breath and stomach pain. Acidity also occurs when the pancreatic enzymes in the body are secreted in lesser quantities than the hydrochloric acid produced in the body.
There are some obvious reasons for acidity and leading an erratic lifestyle that involves smoking and alcohol is a cause for trouble. People have now shifted away from natural foods and have started enjoying meals that are fatty, fried and heavy. These junk foods are the main reason for acidity and cardiovascular complications. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who take a lot of stress and tensions often complain of stomach and digestive problems.
It’s a must to exercise regularly to stay fit and to have a strong working digestive system. If you are undergoing acidity symptoms then try to sip on cold water slowly-slowly so that the acids get diluted and do not gnaw into the sides of the stomach. This practice along with a glass of lukewarm water the first thing in the morning is extremely helpful in neutralising the acidity of the stomach. Stay away from that urge to drink water the moment you start or finish food. Indigestion results because of these imbalances.
Tulsi leaves and tulsi water is very helpful and soothes the stomach. The nausea disappears if a person sucks on a few basil or tulsi leaves. Other helpful home remedies are asafoetida, fennel water or ajwain seeds. Slowly chewing and suckling on these or drinking their hot brewed water will push the natural juices of these seeds down the throat into the stomach and will help calm down the burning and indigestion. These are natural and can be easily taken three to four times a day.
Yogurt or lassi (buttermilk) can also be taken to reduce acidity and burning of the stomach. Many people take ground cinnamon powder to reduce stomach trouble. You can get all these things standing in the middle of your kitchen and home. These remedies are natural and free from any kind of chemicals, which is why they are safe to use.
Patanjali ayurvedic medicine for acidity is also totally natural and prepared out of medicinal extracts that are herbal in origin. Herbal remedies like Divya Mukta Sukti Bhasm, Kam Dudha ras, Divya Avipattikara Churna, and Divya Moti Pisti deal with different kinds of digestive troubles and acid reflux , helping the body recover naturally from acidity.
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