Patanjali Medicine For Obesity
- May 10, 2018
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Almost everyone in this world has a fondness for foods and loves to eat delicious food preparations. Excessive eating leads to a build-up of calories and fatty deposits in the body. Soon the weight starts to increase and the clothes become tight. This is a red flag and something needs to be done about this right away. The fat starts to deposit on the waist, thighs and hips and soon you will get shocked with your spiralling weighing scales.
An excessively large circumference of the waist and thighs can mean a lot of health complications in the future. Coronary heart diseases, liver failure, kidney complications and diabetes are medical conditions that can trouble people with a high body mass index. This increase in weight can cause conditions like atherosclerosis where the arteries start getting blocked by plague and the flow of oxygenated blood is reduced. The heart has to work harder to pump blood and this leads to an immense strain which can deteriorate heart condition. In future this may result in severe chest pain and heart failure.
This medical disorder leads to loads of fat deposits on the body and is dangerous because it can lead to many health problems. Nearly 10 million people are marked as obese in India annually. Obesity is a result of a poor lifestyle and bad habits and can be easily treated with diet alterations and an aggressive exercise routine. You don’t have to land up at the doctor’s doorstep to get the written prognosis that you are obese. The situation and body condition is self-diagnosable and does not need imaging or lab tests to confirm it. Many people are unable to lose weight and end up with obesity for most of their life. They grapple with medications and hospital visits because of their heavy weight and body mass index status.
Obesity is directly related to consumption of excess calories. Eating more fatty foods and extra portions may be reasons why a person ends up obese. The consumption of calories, excess intake of sugars, fast foods and carbohydrates has to be contained to reduce weight. The urge to stay sedentary also has to be given up. This is a tough task considering the present boom of technology.
The constant use of mobile phones, working on computers and watching televisions has led to a life of laziness. This lack of movement leads to the deposit of calories on the body in the form of fat. Not moving about also leads to complications in the natural secretion of hormones and a person can land up with metabolic disturbances like diabetes. Lack of sleep may also lead to obesity so it is imperative not to be sleep deprived. Alcohol and smoking are also the main reasons for putting on weight so stay away from these bad habits. Besides these, strong medications can also cause the weight to increase.
Best way to keep the weight under control is to take Patanjali Ramdev medicine for obesity. This contains natural herbal extracts like Divya Medhohar Vati that helps in controlling hunger pangs and appetite. It also helps in regulate the upheaval of hormones. Obesity can also be controlled with regular use of the nutritious and effective Divya Peya herbal tea.
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