Divya Medohar vati
Divya Medohar vati by Swami ramdev is extremely beneficial weight loss pill that helps in reducing excessive fats and reduces the complication that takes place because of obesity.
One of the remarkable things about Ayurveda is that it helps in rejuvenating body to the fullest. It helps in enhancing the normal body activities so that body tent to perform in the most optimized manner. Obesity is one of the major problems that our planet is facing. Due to easy availability of food and a lack of physical activities lead to deposition of adipose tissue that n turn adds on to the body fat. This increase in body fat lead to so many other complications in the body like heart problems, blood pressure, skin problems and diabetes. These diseases can even be fatal if not encountered on time. Divya medohar vati is one of the remarkable weight loss product manufactured by Divya pharmacy and Patanjali yogpeeth under the guidance of swami Ramdev and Acharya bala krishan.

Below are benefits of Divya mukta vati
- Helps in reducing weight
- Fight excessive body fats.
- Help s in maintaining normal blood pressure
- Reduces cholesterol
- Has a good impact in fighting thyroids problems
- Enhances skin texture and tone.
- Makes you active
- Reduces risk of heart problems and diabetes
- Makes you slim and in shape
- Relieves from arthritis problem.
- Makes you more fertile and enhances the fertility factor.
- Improves digestion
- Reduces constipation
- Pure Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) – Guggul is one of the miraculous ayurvedic herb that helps body in many ways. It helps in promoting metabolic activities that in turn helps in reduction of weight. It is also helpful in reducing the triglyceride levels in the body thus reducing the total cholesterol. This helps us in preventing against any heart problems. Guggul is also said to act like a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory substance. This herb is a major constituent of Divya medohar vati.
- Shilajit Sat (extract of mineral pitch) – Shilajit since centuries have been regarded as a miracle. This herb has its reputation as a healer and rejuvenator. Shilajit helps in revitalizing the body and maintains the normal functioning. This herbo mineral substance finds its origin from Himalayas where these are found in abundance. Shilajit helps in increasing the metabolism and thus brings about weight loss. It is also considered boon for diabetic patients.
- Solid extracts of Haritaki or Harad – Terminalia chebula or haritaki is a herb that has wonderful effects on our body. This herb has a tendencies of increasing the metabolism, absorption and assimilation thus revitalizes body and brings about good weight loss. Haritaki helps in normalizing the digestion in the body. It is also helpful in regulating the water metabolism in the body thus help sin reducing the swellings and water retention problems. It plays a vital role in action of Divya medohar vati Bibhitaka or Baheda – terminalia belrica or vibhitaki is a herb with many benefits. It helps in speeding up of the physiological actions of the body thereby making it active. It also boosts up immunity and normalizes digestion.
- Amalaki or Indian gooseberry – Phyllanthus emblica or amla is an herb that has no comparison. This potent herb has some outstanding properties that are medicinal and healing in nature. This herb has been found effective in enhancing the body activity. It also helps in eradicating the toxins that with time gets deposited in the body. It is also helpful in releasing the fats from lymphatic system.
- Katuki root – Picrorhiza Kurroa or kutki is considered to be the best liver tonic. This herb has a great reputation to stimulate the liver to improve digestive activities. Kutki has been a herb of choice in treating all forms of liver related problems. Liver is considered to be the seat of metabolism in the body. If body metabolism gets activated then it helps in losing the fats in the body. It is also helpful in detoxification of the body thus helpful in removal of toxins and fats from the body. It is a key ingredient that helps in fat reduction in the bdoy. Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa or punarnava is a herb that rejuvenates the body. It tones up the urinary tract thus makes the body fights against any kinds of toxins. It also improves the immunity in the body.
- Trivrit or Nishoth – Ipomoea Turpethum or nishoth helps in removal of all kinds of swellings from the body. This herb is a herb that rectifies all sorts of digestive tract abnormalities making it fit and active. It is also helpful in reducing the fats in the body.
- Vidanga – Embelia ribes or Vidnaga is a wonderful ayurvedic herb that is helpful in reducing fats in the body. It is very effective in removing toxins and parasites from the body. It does not let extra adipose tissue to get deposited in the body.
Take 2 tablet three times a day to be taken half hour before meals with warm water or as directed by physician.
- Avoid fats consumption
- Avoid refined food stuff and junk food
- Don’t over eat.
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