Health pack for oligospermia
Divya Health pack for oligospermia or low sperm count is a miraculous herbal pack to get cured from this problem of low sperm count. The prestigious ingredients of this health pack have tremendous benefits in increasing the sperm count with safe and effective method. Being herbal it has no side effects.
What is oligospermia
Oligospermia is a condition in which a male is not able to produce optimum sperm that is required to make a female conceive. The quantity of sperms is less hence the chances of making women pregnant become less. This condition can be classified into 2 parts. One is acquired and second is preborn. In both of these conditions the sperm count is less and male is called impotent.
Causes of oligospermia
High grade fever
High temperatures climatic condition
Certain medicinal drugs
Certain poisons and chemicals
Certain hormonal changes and diseases
Certain severe long illnesses
Excessive Smoking of tobacco
Excessive alcohol
Recreational drug use
Varicocele condition
Varicose veins around the testicular region
Inflammation and swellings in and around testes
Radiation exposure
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Divya Health pack for oligospermia
Swami Ramdev and divya pharmacy conceived a wonderful Ayurvedic formulation that can be regarded as a sure shot cure for dealing with the problem of oligospermia. This health pack is based on the Ayurvedic principals and is extremely beneficial for people all round the globe. Below are mentioned some of the ingredient of this health pack for oligiospermia.
Yauvan Amrit vati – A prestigious blend of some miraculous herbs that have the power to rejuvenate male reproductive organ and restore its lost powers. This wonderful herbal formulation from divya pharmacy is one for the best sellers. This is an amazing Ayurvedic product that revives all the normal function of the male health organ thereby increasing the sperm count.
Ashwagandha Churana- Ashwagandha is also known as Indian ginseng due to its properties in enhancing the male sexual powers. It is also helpful in increasing the sperm count and reviving the lost male powers to last on bed. It is very effective herb to increase libido and vigor.
Vang Bhasam – This is an herbo mineral formulation form the house swami Ramdev and divya pharmacy. It is very beneficial in enhancing the male sexual health character.
Divya makardawaj – makardwaj from Swami Ramdev and Patanjali yog peeth is considered to be the most superior of all the herbal preparations present in till date. It manifolds the male health performance making a male a super male.
Shilajit sat – The Most amazing things about Shilajit is that it helps in promoting health in all aspects. Right from increasing sperm count to enhance the body stamina. This is extremely effective herbal preparation that is very beneficial in making a meal
How to use a health pack for oligospermia or low sperm count
Mix all the above ingredients in a blender and consume 3/4th of the teaspoon with sweet milk.
Avoid alcohol consumption
Avoid smoking
Avoid spicy and oily stuff.
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