Ramdev Medicine For High Blood Pressure
- September 26, 2016
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Have you heard about “hypertension” the silent killer? This is what high blood pressure is called in medical terms and this state of the body, can increase the chances of many serious medical conditions like kidney failures, strokes, heart attacks and other health complications. These medical illnesses can turn serious, if left unattended and the same can be said of increasing blood pressure levels.
Just get your blood pressure checked and then take steps to taper down the blood pressure levels if you see an elevated graph over a period of time. Do you want to surge ahead in the natural herbal manner to temper down the high blood pressure or do you want to resort to heavy medications? The choice is yours to make, but first and foremost learn how to peter out volatile emotions and increase your threshold of patience. Try Baba Ramdev’s Yoga and Meditation to calm your senses and keep the blood pressure down.
Blood pressure control takes a long time but you need to keep making efforts to keep the rising pressure tapered down. Start with a healthy salt free diet, keep low on processed foods especially those that contain brine, exercise regularly, and drink loads of water. Alcohol and smoking are a “No-No”. You can take herbal remedies that can help keep the rising blood pressure levels down and that too without side effects. Learn how to treat this condition in a natural manner.
A blood pressure count that shows 140/90 mm Hg or more is categorized- high. If the scales show this figure for a prolonged period of time, it is cause for alarm and needs to be attended to immediately. Lifestyle changes are a must and regular yoga needs to be a part of everyday routine.
Keep the sodium levels down in food and try popping in one or two tablets of Divya mukta vati half an hour before breakfast and dinner, you may be astonished with the results. It’s natural and has been known to regulate high blood pressure. The blood flow in the arteries is increased and the nutrient supplementation provided is said to increase arterial strength thay may be beneficial to proper functioning of the heart.
A high salt intake is one of the main reasons for causing high blood pressure. Most of the obese and overweight people are diagnosed sooner or later with hyper tension “the silent killer”. Many women develop hypertensive condition when they become pregnant, and they need to be very careful as this may be followed by other health complications like diabetes and asthma or it may be vice versa.
High blood pressure can be genetic and may travel down generations. Taking some medications for a prolonged period of time can also lead to high blood pressure. Another natural factor besides bad diet and lifestyle that can lead to blood pressure is age factor!
People are always on the lookout for herbal remedies that can help reduce Ramdev Medicine for High Blood Pressure . Other herbs like Hawthorne Berry, Garlic, Ginkgo, and Pomegranate are a few foods that can help in keeping the blood pressure levels down. Keep your waist size controlled don’t forget that half hour brisk walk every day to stay healthy.
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