What To Do To Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control?
- July 3, 2018
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High blood pressure or hypertension has now become as common as cold or headache. It is because every other person in the world is struggling with stress, tension and anxiety in life due to countless problems being suffered in daily life. All these ultimately result in high blood pressure. Certainly, medicines are there to cure this condition or at least these help in keeping high blood pressure under control. At the same time, the health risks or side-effects associated with the use of such medicines in long term can’t be ignored. Now one may wonder how to keep your blood pressure under control in a natural manner. Well, you can surely do so by paying attention to some points as discussed hereunder.
Pay attention to your weight
High blood pressure has a direct link with body weight. It is because obese people have high fat content deposited in their bodies. And this is one among the major reasons for high blood pressure in present day arena. Thus you need to pay attention to your weight. If you are overweight you must start reducing it immediately by making some efforts.
Get engaged in physical activity
The risk of high blood pressure is increased greatly in such people who remain physically inactive. Thus it is very much important to remain physically active. You may do household chores. Also you need to carry out exercises regularly. It helps in keeping a check over your weight, cholesterol levels and in turn blood pressure.
Check what you eat
Certain foods are known to increase blood pressure. These may include highly processed, fried, heavy and indigestible food items. All such foods must be eliminated from your diet. Instead you need to take lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices and such other healthy foods. Healthy food practices and eating habits ensure reduction in blood pressure in a natural manner.
Reduce sodium intake
Sodium is definitely required in the body for various functions. However, excessive intake of sodium is certainly bad for heart health. It is one of the chief reasons for occurrence of high blood pressure in numbers of patients. By reducing sodium intake in diet, you can surely prevent frequent attacks of high BP.
Reduce or avoid alcohol consumption
If you consume alcohol excessively, you should reduce or totally avoid intake of alcohol. Intake of alcohol in moderation is okay. But it should not exceed the normal limits.
Say no to smoking
Likewise smoking is not at all good for your heart. You must completely say no to smoking if you wish to keep your blood pressure under control. Quitting smoking proves to be really helpful when it comes to managing high blood pressure.
Say no to stress
Among other risk factors, extreme mental as well as physical stress is also known to cause high blood pressure in most of the patients. Thus you must learn to stay stress-free. It helps in keeping your blood pressure under control.
In case you have to take the medicines, you must opt for a safer option such as Ramdev medicine for high blood pressure.
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